Listening–gathering. Sound materializations


In this research I focus on sound as a guide to explore current and historical events. Sound is an energy that vibrates through substances and can therefore be the driver or result of movement, action or change. How is it used and experienced? How does it impact the landscape, the environment and living beings? What sounds marked a turning point? What is the rhythm of change?

Booklet that contains 3 short stories written by Laura Van Severen, a transcription of a fragment of a conversation with archaeozoologist Susanne C. Münzel on the discovery of a prehistoric flute, a composition of the patent of the first automobile [Benz, C. (1886). Motorised vehicle powered by a gas engine (German Patent No. DRP 37435). Deutsches Reichspatent. Retrieved from] and an image of the prehistoric flute [Geißenklösterle, flute 1 (Photo: H. Jensen, Drawing: C. Pasda, ©University of Tübingen) in Hahn, J., & Münzel, S. (1995). Knochenflöten aus dem Aurignacien des Geißenklösterle bei Blaubeuren, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg, 20, 1-12.]

This booklet was made on the ocasion of the exhibition “Beyond Soundscapes” at the Museum im Kleihues-Bau (Germany). Design by Studio Ingrid Picanyol.

© 2016—2025
Laura Van Severen
All rights reserved